Win big with RELX To Win!

Win big with “Relx To Win” promo at!

Heads up vapers! Get a chance to win an Apple IPad, Apple AirPods, Bluetooth speakers and GCs worth Php 1,000.00 at “RELX to Win” raffle promo!

Join the raffle by purchasing any RELX 3-in-1 pod or device at and register starting August 10 the unique pack code at back of the packaging. Remember, each pack code is equal to 1 eRaffle entry, so more pack codes will get more chances of winning. Finally, fill-out the form at or via text message (see mechanics below).

Hurry and get your RELX fix now! Minor prizes will be raffled on August 24, 31 and September 7 while major prizes will be raffled on September 14.

Get a chance to win big by following these 3-easy steps!

  1.  Buy your RELX 3-in-1 pod or device online at
  2.  Get your unique pack code at the back of the packaging

                                   Note: 1 Pack code = 1 eRaffle entry


       3. Send your entries via

        or via SMS using this format:

Last year, Alexa Philippines brought the cutting-edge vaping technology RELX to all vape-loving Filipinos in the country. Today, it now features a wide-range of RELX products from high-tech vaping gadgets to flavoured vape pods. To know more, visit or visit our Facebook and Instagram page Alexa Philippines.

Visit for more information.

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